5:45 a.m., my alarm goes off, I reach for my Blackberry (doubles as my alarm), hit snooze, not going to make spin this morning. Rewind, 5 years earlier… a 5:45 wake up call would have been impossible. My God, I have changed.
Amazing how much we adjust over time and the once unappealing sound of brussel sprouts is your new favorite side! Indeed, there are things that stand the test of time – mac ‘n’ cheese, music, travel, appreciation for the finer things – but others develop as we age and encounter life.
It comes as no surprise that one major “taste bud” influencer is our day job. I am fortunate enough to manage a diverse client portfolio, everything from a major wealth management firm to outdoor and indoor grilling products!
Each account I handle has impacted what I pick up to read and has expanded my knowledge of industries I ordinarily would’ve known little to nothing about.
Here’s a snapshot of some of my client-influenced “faves:”
Garden & Gun Magazine: Talk about the “Soul of the South.” This magazine, tells you stories about the amazing South through breathtaking photographs and inspiring stories.
The Help: I met the author, Kathryn Stockett, when working with Mercer University Press; what a delightful lady (also spotted her dining at HF)! The book explores Mississippi in 1962 through the perspective of three very different women with a common interest…I couldn’t put it down!
The Wall Street Journal: My sudden interest in what makes markets tick could be dated back to my dad having every TV in the house turned to CNBC, but the true appreciation and understanding for Wall Street came when I adopted the Merrill Lynch account. The WSJ has quickly become my encyclopedia of all things – finance and personal.
Daily Candy: To be fair, DC has always been a favorite, however, now I get to use it, and pitch it, for work! And, I recently discovered DC Video… awesome.
Last and certainly not least, FACEBOOK: The social media revolution has forced us, as media relations professionals, to learn the ins-and-outs of Facebook. Great for certain clients to connect with consumers, get their message out and even serves as a terrific research tool. PLUS, I get to “play” on Facebook at work – what a treat!
While, now, my alarm does go off earlier, and I’ve traded People for BusinessWeek, I will be forever young (didn’t mean to quote Bob; it slipped) and continue to explore new territory…I suppose as long as I have my day job, it will be a pretty simple task!
A girl from my own heart, Miss Salloum!
I'm assuming Penley is one of your favorite things too–he is my favorite, I have a print of his from the G8 in my house…Is he a client???
he is one of my favorite people and his paintings are asbolutely some of my favorite things! not a current client; however, I have worked with him…and hope to again soon!